Thursday, July 31, 2008

DADA Poems!

So on Wednesday, we had another poetry workshop, and there we wrote a few DADA poems.

I know what some of you are thinking: "What is a DADA poem?!"

I can explain. Dada was an artistic movement that started after World War 1. People started thinking after that "war to end all wars" that the world didn't make sense, and we were fooling ourselves if we thought otherwise. So to spread that belief, they started making strange artwork and writing random poems. They were also the first people to start making collages. People would make a big deal over it, and they would say "Why do you care? Does that make sense to you?"

One thing they'd do in big groups was play a lot of word games. One was as follows:
One person writes something down on a line of paper, then folds the paper over, so that no one else can see what they've written. They pass it on to the next person. The next person does the same thing (writes, folds, passes) and so on. They continue passing the paper along until they've reached the bottom of the page. Then they unfold the paper and see how the poem has come out.

I have two examples of DADA poems we wrote together last night at the workshop. Enjoy! And try making some at home!

First one:
To eat or not to eat: That is the question
I like happiness
poems poems it be cold it may be odd warm greeting poems are warmed by big hearted poets, Really bold big poems are sometimes are made by big Us, revels.
Volite flower power
I am a rat
And that is right
I am like a cat

Harry Potter rocks.
Yeah that's right.

And the second poem:
Fuzzy wuzzy
Love is caring
volite purple
I am a rat.

Have something you'd like to put up here? Email it to me at
Have an older sibling in junior high or high school? We also have a Teen Poetry Box, at if they're interested.

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